Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Prom Tip #101

Prom shopping tips: #101 (yes I chose that number at random, but I think it's a great place to start.)

Shop Early
It may seem crazy to shop for a spring prom dress in the dead of winter, but that's when you should start. Prom shops start getting their spring shipments in as early as October. By December, they generally have a good portion of their stock. If you're among the first to shop, the you get the best selection, bottom line!

Special ordering dresses, especially when you buy online, is available too, but dresses can sell out at anytime. Planning to order "later", may mean that you miss out on your perfect dress. If you special order, do it early.

Believe it or not, prom dresses sell out as early as January. Some dresses can be made for you, but it may take a couple months to get them. Ordering time lines for any dress can get complicated, so once you find a couple styles you like, you should check with your store to see when you can them.

If you think there is even a slim chance that you'll be attending prom this year, then start your search... a date can always come later!


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