I wasn't quite sure what I thought about the line when I first saw it, I mean the dresses are great at first glance, but the more I checked them out the more I decided that I was a fan. It's hard to pinpoint what Blush's style is exactly because they have a little of everything! Some of my favorites are the floral prints that have a handpainted look - really unique. They also have some celebrity styles that mimic those worn by stars like Miley Cyrus. I think Blush has a really great mix of simple classic styles and unique styles... a little something for everyone. So, as a whole, there isn't really a way to label Blush, in my opinion, they have a little of everything for everyone.
The best way to appreciate this line is to take a look, here are the top styles so far for 2010... scroll and enjoy!
I already mentioned the #1 style in a previous post, so jump down and take a look at that too.
What do you think of the dresses? I love, love your comments!! :)
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